Snatch Max
WOD: - 4 Rounds
1 minute:
7 Bacon Burpees
Max Rep Squat Snatch with the remaining time within the minute. (95/135)
1 Minute Rest
*Each round has one less burpee in it
*Score is total number of squat snatches.
W.O.D. - 30 min AMRAP:
- 10 Deadlifts (155/225 RX) (205/275 Reg)
- 20 Chest to Bar Pull ups
- 30 Power Cleans (95/135 RX) (135/185 Reg)
- 40 Pull ups
- 50 Snatches (65/95 RX) (95/135 Reg)
- 60 Toes to bar
* Use one bar for all movements, strip weight you go.