WOD Archive


Thursday, 10/10/13 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

1 rm clean and jerk

9-15-21 - C2b pull up - Hr push up - Wall ball14/20


Wednesday, 10/09/13 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

750m row buy-in

3 rounds for time

- 50 DUs (Optional for BB competitors is 25 left leg DUs & 25 right leg DUs)

- 400 meter run

  750m row buy-out

Tuesday, 10/08/13 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

W.O.D. - "CrossFit Total"cf-total

- Max Deadlift
- Max Back Squat
- Max Press
Score is total weight of all three lifts.

Monday, 10/07/13 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Snatch Max WOD: - 4 Rounds 1 minute: 7 Bacon Burpees Max Rep Squat Snatch with the remaining time within the minute. (95/135) 1 Minute Rest *Each round has one less burpee in it *Score is total number of squat snatches.

Friday, 10/04/13 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Filthy 50:

- 50 Box jump (24/30)filthy_fifty
- 50 Jumping pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell swings (35/53)
- Walking Lunge, 50 steps
- 50 Knees to elbows
- 50 Push press (35/45)
- 50 Back extensions
- 50 Wall ball shots (14/20)
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Double unders
  Really Filthy 50:
- 50 Box jump, 30/36 inch box
- 50 pull-ups
- 50 Kettlebell single arm snatches (25 R/25 L) 35/53
- 50 Steps Overhead Walking Lunge (65/95)
- 50 T2B
- 50 Push press, 65/95 pounds
- 50 GHD sit ups
- 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball, OVER 10 foot line
- 50 Hand Release Push Up Burpees
- 50 Double unders - Unbroken!

Wednesday, 10/02/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

W.O.D. - 30 min AMRAP: - 10 Deadlifts (155/225 RX) (205/275 Reg) - 20 Chest to Bar Pull ups - 30 Power Cleans (95/135 RX) (135/185 Reg) - 40 Pull ups - 50 Snatches (65/95 RX) (95/135 Reg) - 60 Toes to bar * Use one bar for all movements, strip weight you go.

Tuesday, 10/01/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Mobilize - 2-Partner W.O.D.

Each partner runs 800m, 600m, 400m, and 200m.   Only one partner working at a time.


Monday, 09/30/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

W.O.D. - 2011 Final 20 calorie Row 
 30 Wallball Shots, 14/20 20 Toes to bar
 30 Box jumps, 24" box
 20 Sumo-deadlit high-pull, 72/108 30 Burpees
 20 Shoulder to overhead, 95/135 20 calorie row

Friday, 09/27/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Power Cleans: 10-8-6-4-2-2, the sets of 2 are at 95%

Death by EMOM: (95/135 RX, 115/165 Reg)

Thursday, 09/26/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Heavy Jerks off the Rack: 6-4-2-1-1-1, the 1’s are Heavy

W.O.D. - 3 Rounds for time

- 10 S2OH (65/95 RX, 95/135 Reg)
- 20 Front Rack Walking Lunges Steps (65/95 RX, 95/135 Reg)

Wednesday, 09/25/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Dead Lift: 10-8-6-4-2-2, the sets of 2 are at 95%

W.O.D. - "GI Jane"Games2010_affiliatedeadlift-wod2

- 100 Burpee / Pull Ups


Tuesday, 09/24/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Back Squat : 10-8-6-4-2-2, the sets of 2 are at 95%

W.O.D. - 3 Rounds of:

- 1 min Back Squat - (95/135 RX), (135/205 Reg)
- 1 min rest
- 1 min handstand pushups
- 1 min rest
- 1 min OHSq – (65/95 RX), (95/135 Reg)
- 1 min rest
- 1 min Rope Climbs
- 1 min rest
- 1 min DU
- 1 min rest

Monday, 09/23/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Snatch: 10-8-6-4-2-2, the sets of 2 are at 95% W.O.D. - 16 min AMRAP: - 5 Power Snatch 95/135 - 10 T2B - 15 WB 14/20

Friday, 09/20/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Dead Lift: 2-2-2-Max Reps-2-2-2 @ 75%-80%-85%-90%-85%-80%-75%


- 400m Row
- 10 Bar MU
- 10 DL 165/275 RX, 225/345 Reg
- 10 Bar MU
- 400m Row
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