WOD Archive


Monday, 01/20/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Back Squat 8-8-8-8+ 9 min AMRAP - 30 DU - 15 KB 35/53 - 15 WB 14/20 – Comp women go to 10’ line

Friday, 01/17/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Strict/Weighted Pull Up 7 min EMOM: Reps- 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2one-more

W.O.D. - "Open 11.6 & 12.5":

7 min AMRAP
3/3, 6/6, 9/9...
- Thruster (65/100)
- C2B

Thursday, 01/16/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Snatch Technique WorkCrossfit-The-Snatch


- Toes-2-bar
- Snatch (95/135)
- HR push up
*20 min time cap

Wednesday, 01/15/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

W.O.D. - TABATAiluvit-hat

- Cal Row
- Burpees
- DU
- KB Swing (35/53) (53/70)
*30 second transitions between movements

Tuesday, 01/14/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

EMOM: 10 min

2 Squat C & J (100/165) (135/225)

2min Rest

Death by G2OH (75/125) (110/165)


Monday, 01/13/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

(Good) Fight Gone BadFightGoneBad

(1 Minute at each movement, 3 rounds)
- Wall balls (14/20)
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull (45/75)
- Box Jumps (20")
- Push Press (45/75)
- Calorie Row

Friday, 01/10/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Press 5-5-5-5-5


6min AMRAP
-5 DL (185/275)
- 10 Bar Facing Over Burpees
- 50 Double-unders
Rest 4 minutes, then
6 min AMRAP - 4 Hang Sq Clean (125/185)
- 8 HSPU

Thursday, 01/09/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Snatch from high hang to warm up and increase weight.sky-liimit

Heavy 3-3-3-3-3 Snatch from low hang.

WOD: 3 on a team

3 rounds for time: (each partner works at same time & cannot move on to next movement until partner doing that one is done)
Partner 1: 500m Row
Partner 2: 30 KB Swing 35/53 (53/70 Comp)
Partner 3: 40 walking lunges steps (25/45 plate overhead for comp)

Wednesday, 01/08/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

"Open WOD 12.3"ryan-t2b

18 min AMRAP:

- 15 Box Jump (20/24)
- 12 Push Press (75/115)
- 9 T2B

Tuesday, 01/07/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

8 min to work to a heavy DL, then 20 reps at 80% in as few of sets as possible.SeeYouattheTop

WOD: 8 min AMRAP

- 10 Clean High Pull (65/95)
- 5 Pull Ups
- 5 Burpees

CrossFit i1uVit Turns 1-Year Old Today!

Today marks one year since CrossFit i1uvit opened its doors! There has been so much growth and change within this last year, and so many people who have been a part of this amazing journey.

Thank you to everyone for making this possible: our amazing coaches, our awesome members, and our entire community! Happy 1 Year CrossFit i1uvit...and to many, many more!


Here are some pictures to commemorate the start.

  [gallery link="post" ids="4388,4387,4386,3169"]

Monday, 01/06/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

OHSq 5-4-3, Front Sq 5-4-3, Back Sq 5-4-3double unders image

WOD: 4 RFT – 20 min time cap.

- 30 Wall Balls (14/20)
- 40 Double-unders
- 7 Muscle-ups

Friday, 01/03/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

Jerks: 8-6-4 then 4 heavy single attempts

Super set with Weighted Pull Ups 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

5 min AMRAP MU
3 min AMRAP S2OH 95/135
1 min AMRAP BJ 24/30

Thursday, 1/2/14 - CrossFit i1uVit W.O.D.

We are back to normal schedule (see link) now.

Snatch Grip DL: 10-8-6-4-2

Snatch from High Hang: 70% 3-3-3-3-3



10 min AMRAP:
- 10 Snatch 95/135
- 10 alternating pistols

Wednesday, 01/01/14 - CrossFit i1uVit "Happy New Year" W.O.D.

The gym is closed today to celebrate New Years Day, BUT, we have a special "at home" workout below.Golden-Sky-Happy-New-Year-2014-HD-Free-Wallpapers


6 rounds for time
- 50 Air Squats
- 25 HR Push ups
Do the workout, then post your time to our Facebook page.
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