WOD Archive


Monday, 09.02.24 - LABOR DAY - 1 Class Only 10 -11:30 AM

Categories // hero

Partner Bert
For Time with a Partner Complete:
50 Burpees
400m Run
100 Push Ups
400m Run
150 Walking Lunge Steps
400m Run
200 Air Squats
400m Run
150 Walking Lunge Steps
400m Run
100 Push Ups
400m Run
50 Burpees

*1 hour TC

Partners: Split the Burpees, Push Ups, Lunges and Squats up as you go/I go, both partners run every 400m together If fitness supports, wear a vest.

U.S. Marine Cpl. Albert Gettings, 27, of New Castle, Pennsylvania, died on Jan. 5, 2009, while conducting counter-sniper operations in Fallujah, Iraq. Cpl. Gettings was serving as a team leader with the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, at the time of his death.

Every quarter, Cpl. Gettings’ fellow Marines in Fox Company complete a special CrossFit workout in his honor as part of the Cpl. Albert P. Gettings Award ceremony.

He is survived by his wife, Stephanie Palimino; parents, David and Juliet; and sister, Cori.




Friday, 08.30.24

10-8-6-4-4-2-2 Thrusters

On 14 min Clock:
Buy in: 200 DU
12 Thrusters (65/95
10 Front Rack Step Back Lunges (65/95)
8 Lateral Bar Over Burpee


Thursday, 08.29.24

For 22 Minutes:
10 C2B
12 Box Jump Overs (20/24)
14 Wall Balls (14/20, 9/10’)
1 min Rest


Wednesday, 08.28.24

12 min EMOM:
1 Power Clean & Jerk

10 min AMRAP:
15 S2OH (95/135)
3 Rope Climbs


Tuesday, 08.27.24

25 min AMRAP:
400m Run
10 WW
400m Run
100’ HSW
400m Run
50 Single DB Box Step Ups (20/24, 35/50)


Monday, 08.26.24

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3

4 Rounds on running clock:
1 min Max Rep Double DB Hang Squat Cleans (35/50)
1 min Max rep T2B
1 min Rest


Friday, 08.23.24

5x Superset:
12 Deadlift
Right into:
Single DB SLDL 8R/8L
1:30 Rest

5 RFT:
5 DL (Rx: 175/255, Comp: 205/315)
10 C2B
15 Box Jump Over (20/24)


Thursday, 08.22.24

With a Partner:
35 min Max Meter Row
Switch with partner as you see fit

**At some point during the 35 min you and your partner need to accumulate a total of 300 push ups. For every push up you may fail to complete, you subtract 100m from your final score.


Wednesday, 08.21.24

Complex: 3 Power Snatch + 3 OHS
2 TnG’ Squat Snatch

10 min AMRAP:
10 Power Snatch (75/115)
10 T2B
30 DU


Tuesday, 08.20.24

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5 From Floor

For Time:
Front Squats (95/135)


Monday, 08.19.24

Categories // hero

For Time:
3 Rounds of:
400m Run
10 Bar Muscle-ups

* Rest 1 min

2 Rounds of:
400m Run
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups
* Rest 1 min

1 Round of:
10 Bar Muscle-ups
15 Strict Handstand Push-ups

August 8, 2024 was the saddest day in CrossFit's history. The CrossFit community was shattered by the loss of CrossFit Games competitor, Lazar Dukic. Lazar - from Serbia, drowned in the swimming portion of the 1st event of the 2024 CF Games. It's heartbreaking to think what his family and friends are going through, the other athletes, and all involved. It hits close to home as we have 2 coaches at the gym who have competed at the Games as individuals - Mitch 2018 & Carrie 2019, and a team who competed together in 2021, 3/4 who are still here coaching (Mitch, Carrie & JT). When they were all competing, I want to believe every measure was taken to keep their safety as the number one priority.

We don’t know all the details about what happened yet, but we are hopeful that there will be clarity and communication about what unfolded, and accountability will be put in place. Change needs to be made to move forward with CF as Sport, and trust needs to be rebuilt with the CF Athletes and CF Community if CF as a Sport is to continue to thrive. Thoughts and prayers to all involved in this tragedy.

Lazar was a very talented CF competitor... But, he was much more than an athlete. He was a son, a brother and friend to everyone. In the CrossFit community, coming together to do hard things is how we pay tribute. In this spirit, i1uvit has decided to program this workout today. It is a more class friendly version of a workout Lazar programmed himself while he was a guest programmer on the Morning Chalk Up. Lazar leaves behind his brother Luka (another CrossFit Games competitor) his girlfriend Anja, and many loving family and friends. When things get hard today, remember Lazar; his smile, his contagious and positive energy, and his love for life. Remember that life is so precious, and we don't have to do this, we GET to do this. Lazar, you will NOT be forgotten.




Friday, 08.16.24

Play on 2012 CF Games Chipper
For Time:
10 OHS
10 Box Jump Overs (20/24)
10 Thrusters
10 Power Cleans
10 T2B
10 Burpee C2B (Comp: Burpee RMU)
10 T2B
10 Power Cleans
10 Thrusters
10 Box Jump Overs (20/24)
10 OHS

Barbell Loads: All @ (Rx: 85/125, Comp: 105/155)


Thursday, 08.15.24

For Time:
20 SHSPU (Comp: 45# black bumper plate deficit SHSPU)
200’ Walking Lunge Steps
20 WW
800m Run
200’ HSW

Post: 10 min:
With single KB in Goblet Position: Work Up in Sets of 10 Box Steps Ups
Get in 5+ sets in 10 min.


Wednesday, 08.14.24

For Time:
P1 50 Cal Row
P2 50 Wall Balls 14/20. 9/10
P1 50 Wall Balls 14/20, 9/10
P2 50 Cal Row
P1 50 Cal Row
P2 50 AMSU
P1 50 AMSU
P2 50 Cal Row

Partner must wait to switch until the other partner is done. Ex: Partner 1 must finish 50 Cals and partner 2 must finish 50 WB before they can switch. If P2 is done with 50 WB before P1 is done with 50 cals then they wait to switch.


Tuesday, 08.13.24

12 min AMRAP:
15 C2B
50 DU
15 Double DB Power Clean (35/50)

5 sets:
Double KB or DB AHAP
7 DL -> 75’ Carry -> 7 DL
1:30 Rest

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