WOD Archive


Friday, 04.01.16 - WOD

12 min AMRAP:

- 5 MU (Scale: Bar MU, Kipping C2B)
- 6 HSPU
- 7 Squat Snatches (Rx: 65/95, Comp: 95/135)

Optional After WOD: 2-2-2-2 Squat Snatch


Thursday, 03.31.16 - WOD

For Time:
2 mile Run (1st and last 400m laps with a Med Ball 14/20)
3 min cumulative plank hold


Wednesday, 03.30.16 - WOD

The Dirty 30's
30 min AMRAP:

- 30 Pull-ups
- 30 Power Cleans (85/125)
- 30 T2B
- 30 Squat Cleans (85/125)
- 30 Bar Over Burpees
- 30 S2OH (85/125)
- 3 Rope Climbs


Tuesday, 03.29.16 - WOD

For Time:
- 1,000m Row
- 200m Double Arm KB Carry (35s/53s)
- 100 Alternate leg walking lunges w/overhead plate (25/45)


Monday, 03.28.16 - WOD

Find your total max reps:

12 min running clock

0:00-1:00 Box Jumps (24/30)

1:00-2:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75/115)

2:00-4:00 Box jumps

4:00-6:00 SDLHP

6:00-9:00 Box jumps

9:00-12:00 SDLHP

Box jump height and SDLHP weight is the same throughout


Friday, 03.25.16 - Open 16.5 WOD

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

- Thrusters
- Bar-over Burpees

Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb.


Thursday, 03.24.16 - WOD

5 RFT:
20 KB Swings (35/53)
1 Rope Climb (Comp: legless climb, scale: 2 strict anchored climbs)


Wednesday, 03.23.16 - WOD

10 min EMOM of 2 reps of Power Snatch

For Time:

- Power Snatch (75/115)
- Box Jump (20/24)


Tuesday, 03.22.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

8 min AMRAP:
- 10 Thrusters (70/100)
- 4 Ring MU (Scale: 4 strict C2B)

4-4-4-4 Front Squats


Monday, 03.24.16 - WOD

For Time:
- 800m Run
- 100 DU
- 30 Rig Touch Burpees
- 100 Walking Lunge Steps
- 800m Run


Friday, 03.18.16 - CrossFit Open 16.4 WOD

CrossFit Open 16.4 W.O.D.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes:

- 55 deadlifts
- 55 wall-ball shots
- 55-calorie row
- 55 handstand push-ups

Men deadlift 225 lb. and throw 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
Women deadlift 155 lb. and throw 14-lb. ball to 9-ft. target

Note: Scaling options will be available


Thursday, 03.17.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

Partner WOD: You go/I go

- 1200m Run (must run in 200m intervals)
- 120 PVC pipe V-ups
- 120 KB swings 35/53
- 1200m Run (must run in 200m intervals)


Wednesday, 03.16.16 - WOD

Max Reps in 3 min for each of the following:

- Ring Dips
- Calories on Rower
- Back Squat 105/155 (out of the rack)
- Burpees
- DUs

*1 min break to transition movements

*1 total score at the end for all movements


Tuesday, 03.15.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

10 sets of the following complex: 2 Power Cleans, 4 DL
After each set of the complex complete 3-10 unbroken Ring MU or strict pull ups.

5 min AMRAP:
- 5 pull ups
- 5 power cleans 95/135


Monday, 03.14.16 - WOD

10 min AMRAP:

- 6 HSPU
- 12 Thruster (65/95)
- 24 Box Jump (20/24)

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