Lynden, Washington
Categories // strength
STRENGTH:10-8-6-4-2 Overhead Squat*From the floor and the 1st rep MUST be a squat snatch!!!
10 min AMRAP11.1/14.1- 30 DU- 15 Snatches (55/75)
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12 min AMRAP:
3 Snatch (95/135)6 Clean & Jerk (95/135)9 C2B
6 RFT:6 HSPU (Comp: Strict)8 Thrusters (85/125)200m Run
“Nasty Girls”3 RFT:50 Air Squats7 Ring MU10 Hang Cleans (95/135)
Max Effort:1,000m Row
Rest as needed
Max Effort:500m Row
*Optional after WOD: 45 GHD sit ups in the least amount of sets possible.
STRENGTH:DL 8-6-4-2-2-4-6-8
10 min AMRAP:10 OH Squat (65/95)10 T2B10 SDLHP (65/95)
STRENGTH:12 min to work up to a heavy load on Squat Clean and Jerk
5 RFT30 DU15 Pull Ups3 Squat Clean and Jerks (135/205)
TABATA::20 on, :10 off x 8(1 min rest between movements for rotation/transition)
Rig Touch BurpeesBJCal RowKB Strict Press from knees
STRENGTH:15 min to work to a heavy Squat Snatch
EMOM:10 min EMOM of 4 Snatches (95/135)*The last minute of the EMOM is max rep Snatches
2 min rest
For Time:1200m Run
MAX-REP:4 sets of max rep strict pull ups
2 RFT:30 T2B50 Ab Mat Sit Ups100 DU
*Optional: after WOD complete max effort 500m Row
STRENGTH:5-5-5-5 Front Squat
For Time:150 WB (14/20)30 HSPU15 Ring MU (Scale: 15 Bar MU, 30 C2B)
For 12 min:15 Cal on Rower or 10 Cal on Assault Bike200m Run3-5 MU (Ring or Bar) -scale 3-5 strict pull ups
11 min AMRAP:3/3, 5/5, 7/7...T2B - Clean & Jerk (95/135)
STRENGTH:16-14-12-10-8-6Walking Lunge Steps with barbell in the front rack
For Time:Annie50-40-30-20-10DUAb Mat Sit Ups
Optional: After WOD spend 5 min working on handstand walks, or handstand holds
STRENGTH:5 sets of 3-5 Ring Dips4 sets of Max Rep Plate Push-ups* 2 min rest between all sets
For Time:50 Burpee Box Jump (20/24)
For Time:75 Thrusters (65/95) (Comp: 100 reps)*At the top of each minute complete 3 pull ups (Comp: C2B)