WOD Archive


Monday, 03/09/15 -Strength & W.O.D.

10 min find heavy 5 rep Strict Press - off ground

10 min to find heavy 5 rep Front Squat - out of the rack


6 min AMRAP
- 10 S2OH (75/115)
- 20 WB  (14/20)

Friday, 03/06/15 - CrossFit Open 15.2

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: - 10 Overhead Squat (65/95) - 10 C2B pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: - 12 Overhead Squat (65/95) - 12 C2B pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: - 14 Overhead Squat (65/95) - 14 C2B pull-ups Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds. * Don't forget to submit your score once you complete the WOD!

Thursday, 03/05/15 - W.O.D.

If you're doing the Open 15.2 then come in and mobilize and row, or rest.


6 min AMRAP
- 20 KB swing (35/53)
- 10 v-ups
2 min rest
4 min AMRAP
- 20 KB swing (35/53)
- 10 v-ups
*start 2nd AMRAP where you left off. 1 total score.

Tuesday, 03/03/15 - W.O.D.

7 min AMRAP
[caption id="attachment_6440" align="alignright" width="483"]i1uvit owner Matt Lovelady hits a big 257lb clean & jerk in Open 15.1a i1uvit owner Matt Lovelady hits a big 257lb clean & jerk in Open 15.1a[/caption]
- 4 Snatch (95/135)
- 6 HSPU
- 8 Bar over burpees with hand release

Wednesday, 03/04/15 - Strength & W.O.D.

DL: 10 min work up to heavy 8


10 min AMRAP
- 20 Box Jumps (20/24)
- 30 Double-unders
- 40 Wall Balls (14/20)
- 30 Double-unders

Monday, 3/2/15 - Strength & W.O.D.

10 min work up to heavy thruster

[caption id="attachment_6435" align="alignright" width="333"]jensen mayberry 262 pound clean and jerk Jensen Mayberry with Clean & Jerk of 262lbs in Open 15.1a He's competing in Teen Male (15-17 age) division[/caption]


- 15 thruster (70/100)
- 15 pull up (comp: C2B)
If you have Ring MU: rest 1 min after completion of W.O.D., max set MU, rest 3 min, 2nd set max MU.

UPDATED: Friday, 02/27/15 - Open Workout 15.1

Workout 15.1

On 15 minute running clock:   Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of: - 15 toes-to-bars - 10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.) - 5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.) WORKOUT 15.1a 1-rep-max clean and jerk 6-minute time cap      

Thursday, 02/26/15 - W.O.D.

If you’re doing the CrossFit Open:

- Rest & Mobilize

If you’re not doing the Open:

- 6 min Max Cal Row


Wednesday, 02/25/15 - W.O.D.

4 RFT:
- 30 Air Squats
- 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups
- 10 HR Push Ups (Strict)
- 200m Run

Tuesday, 02/24/15 - W.O.D.

12 min AMRAP
- 40 DU (Scale: 120 single unders)
- 10 Pull Ups
- 10 DL (105/155)

Monday, 02/23/15 - W.O.D.


[caption id="attachment_6412" align="alignright" width="350"]20150222_170214 Matt & Kaylee at CrossFit Level 2 Coaching Seminar this past weekend[/caption]

For Time:
- 1,000m Row Buy-In
- S2OH (75/115)
- Back squat (75/115) (Bar must be taken from ground to start Back squats)
  *If you have ring MU: At the completion of the WOD, rest 3 min, and get in 2 max rep sets of MU (with 2 min rest in-between max sets).        

UPDATED: Friday, 02/20/15 - Strength & W.O.D.


10 min work to heavy Squat Snatch


For Time:
- 100 DU (Scale: 200 SU)
- 10 Squat Snatch (RX 85/125)  (Comp 105/155)
- 80 DU (Scale: 160 SU)
- 8 Squat Snatch (RX 85/125)  (Comp 105/155)
- 60 DU (Scale: 120 SU)
- 6 Squat Snatch (RX 85/125)  (Comp 105/155)
- 40 DU (Scale: 80 SU)
- 4 Squat Snatch (RX 85/125)  (Comp 105/155)
- 20 DU (Scale: 40 SU)
- 2 Squat Snatch (RX 85/125)  (Comp 105/155)

Thursday, 02/19/15 - W.O.D.

For Time:
500m Row Buy-In
- Ring Dip (Scale: Box Dips)
- Hang Power Clean (Rx: 95/135)

Wednesday, 02/18/15 - W.O.D.


- 800m Run
- 40 KB Swing (35/53)
- 30 C2B
- 20 Alt Pistol (Scale: 60 Air Squats)
- 15m Handstand Walk (Scale 1: 1 min cumulative handstand hold against wall, Scale 2: 1 min cumulative plank hold)

Tuesday, 02/17/15 - Strength & W.O.D.

Strict Press: 5-4-3-3-2-2level1-certs


- 50 WB (14/20) 10' line for comp ladies)
- 30 T2B
- 10 HSPU
- 5 MU (Scale 1: 5 Bar MU, Scale 2: 5 Strict Pull ups)
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