Lynden, Washington
Partner Run: You Go/I GoFor Time:400/400300/300200/200300/300400/400
-3 min Rest-For Time:Repeat
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Five 2-minute Rounds:20 Double DB Box Step Ups (35/50, 20/24)Max Rep Double DB Push Press*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Score is total number of Push Press completed each round.
6-6-6-6 Back Squat
WOD:For Time:10-20-30-40-50 WB (14/20, 9/10)1-2-3-4-5 RC
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Complex:1 Thruster1 Push Press1 Push Jerk1 Split Jerk
7 min AMRAP:50 DU10 HSPU
8 min for Quality:2-4-6…RMU*30 DU + 15 Air Squats after each set.
WOD:Partner WOD:14 min AMRAP:Alt Partners every round:8 Dips10/12 Cal Row
Snatch Complex:1 Snatch Grip DL1 Power Snatch-regrip-1 Squat Snatch1 OHS
WOD:For Time:15-12-9-6-3Snatch (95/135)BFOB
WOD:10 RFT:200m Run8 Pull Ups8 Double DB Box Step Overs (35/50, 20/24)
WOD:5 RFT:8 HSPU (Comp: SHSPU)12 T2B16 DB Snatch (RX: 35/50, Comp: 50/70)
Post WOD:4-6 sets of 14 Alternating Arm Double DB Bench
20 min to build to a heavy load on the Complex:1 DL2 Power Cleans3 Hang Power Cleans4 Jerks
5x3 Front Squat - Pull from floor
5x through Core Work::20 plank hold:20 rowboat hold:20 superman
For time:21 pull-ups42 double-unders21 thrusters (weight 1)18 chest-to-bar pull-ups36 double-unders18 thrusters (weight 2)15 bar muscle-ups30 double-unders15 thrusters (weight 3)♀ 65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb♂ 95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lbAll Workout 22.3 Division Standards and Movements
WOD:23 min AMRAP:400m Run16 Box Step Ups (20/24)30’ HSW16 Box Step Ups (20/24)16 Push Ups
3 Rounds: 1 min max Rep Movement:Max Cal Assault BikePush Press (Rx 55/75, Comp: 65/95)Strict Pull UpHang Power Snatch (Rx 55/75, Comp: 65/95)
Rest 1 min between Rounds
Partner WOD:You Go/I Go Movements6 Rounds for Time:25/30 Cal Row60’ Single DB OH Lunge (35/50)30 Ab Mat Sit Ups
15 min build up in complex:1 Clean1 Hang clean1 FS1 Jerk
8 min AMRAP:6 Front squats (95/135)4 BMU40 DU
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1reps for time of:
Deadlifts (225/155)Bar-facing burpees
Time cap: 10 minutes
All Workout 22.2 Division Standards and Movements