WOD Archive


Tuesday, 11.21.23

3 Rounds for Max Reps on a Running Clock:
1:30 Work :30 to Rotate
Burpee Pull Up
Thrusters (70/100)
Front Rack Step Back Lunges (70/100)


Monday, 11.20.23

10 min EMOM:
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch

On a 10 min clock:
200 DU
20 Snatch (95/135)


Friday, 11.17.23

Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds For Max Reps:
1 minute Wall Balls (14/20, 9/10)
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (55/75)
1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)
1 minute Push Press (55/75)
1 minute Cal Row
1 minute Rest


Thursday, 11.16.23

15 min Find 3 RM FS

7 min AMRAP:
9 Double DB Squats (35/50)
9 C2B


Wednesday, 11.15.23

For Time:
DL (155/225)

**After each Set: 10 HSPU + 25’ HSW

For Quality: 7 minutes:
:20 sec Hold L/tuck on Parallettes


Tuesday, 11.14.23

On running Clock: 1x Through:
4 min Max Rep
1 min Rest between Movements

Burpee BJO (20/24)
Double DB Devils Press (35/50)
Assault Bike Cals
Double DB Box Step Overs (35/50, 20/24)


Monday, 11.12.23

32 min running clock:
Thruster 5-5-5 reps
Push Press 3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 1-1-1 reps

6 min Max Rep Thrusters (65/95)
** At the top of every min: 5 SPU


Saturday, 11.11.23 - VETERANS DAY

Categories // hero



Chad Wilkinson, a Navy SEAL, died by suicide on Oct. 29, 2018, due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast-wave injuries, and PTSD.

Wilkinson left behind a wife, two kids, and countless other friends and family members.

Since her husband’s death, Sara Wilkinson, a long-time member of the CrossFit community and trainer on CrossFit’s Seminar Staff, has been promoting awareness around veteran suicide and prevention through her nonprofit, The Step Up Foundation.

The Step Up Foundation raises funds to support programs dedicated to the research and treatment of combat-related injuries while honoring “our veterans and their invisible wounds.” Every year on Veterans Day, it unites people around the world with the workout CHAD1000X.

The workout consists of 1,000 step-ups with a weighted rucksack. Chad created the workout to train for the rigors of a near 23,000-foot summit in Argentina. After his death, CrossFit GM Dave Castro, along with some friends, did the workout as a way to honor Chad. Since then, CHAD1000X has become a rallying point for those struggling with mental health to join the community and focus on taking one more step.

“I talked about the workout at his funeral and underestimated all my CrossFit friends being in the audience — that they would flock to it and attempt to complete it, which they did,” Sara said in an interview at this year’s CrossFit Games. “It organically has grown in nature and we’re approaching our fourth year. Because of the response it’s had and what a positive impact it’s had on people, it led me to start my nonprofit, The Step Up Foundation.”

This Veterans Day, we’re asking the CrossFit community to join us, GORUCK, and The Step Up Foundation in support of this important cause - and HERE YOU ARE taking on this challenge today on Veterans Day. Today is also the first time that this workout is posted as an official Hero workout on CrossFit.com.

The goal of this partnership between CrossFit, The Step Up Foundation, and GORUCK is to join in the fight against veteran suicide while emphasizing the importance of mental health for the general public — and the importance of fitness for mental health — as well. If you want more information on Chad, the Step Up Foundation or want to make a donation, please see the email Kaylee sent out earlier this week.

“Suicide affects our veterans at an alarming rate,” Sara said. “But I think, … the everyday man is also not immune to that internal struggle, that silent whisper that feeds negative self-talk … . Fitness is great at developing us not only physically but mentally and emotionally, and it just makes such perfect sense to combine this with CrossFit and join the community so they can stand in this fight together.”

The workout is not technical and consists of one movement: 1,000 step-ups to a 20-inch box while wearing an external load. It can be done anywhere and is scalable to all fitness levels, but as with all of CrossFit’s Hero workouts, it is a long and challenging mental grind. Keep Chad and all Veterans in mind as you do this HERO WOD today.

For Time:
1,000 Box Step Ups (20/20)

  • Without Load
    Rx: 20/30 # Ruck (Can use vest too if needed)
    Comp: 30/45 # Ruck
    1/2 Chad
    Partner Chad



Friday, 11.10.23

15 min AMRAP
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
20 KBS (35/53)


Thursday, 11.09.23

4 RFT:
500m Row
50 DU
5x: [1 Wall Walk + 1 Strict C2W HSPU] Scale: 5 WW + 5 Push Ups


Wednesday, 11.08.23

30 min EMOM:
Run 200 meters
8 FAST Bear Hug Sandbag Squats
2-8 BMU


Tuesday, 11.07.23

12 min EMOM From the Floor:
0-4: 3 Jerks
4-8: 2 Jerks
8-12: 1 Jerk

For Time:
5-4-3-2-1 Jerk (Rx: 95/135, Comp: 135/185, Games: 185/275)
8 BBJO After each set: (20/24)


Monday, 11.06.23

17 min AMRAP:
50 WB (14/20, 9/10’, Comp 10/11’)
25 C2B
15 Power Snatch (105/155)

Post: 10 Work up heavy 5 DL


Friday, 11.03.23

10 min EMOM:
Power Clean & Jerk
0-5 min: 2 Re-grip Power C&J
5-10 min: 1 Power Clean & Jerk Single

10 min AMRAP:
Ascending Ladder 3/3/3, 6/6/6, 9/9/9…
Power Clean & Jerk (Rx: 75/115, Comp: 105/155)


Thursday, 11.02.23

30 min:
FS 5-5-5 reps
Back Squat 3-3-3 reps
3 sets of 75’ of Unbroken Double DB Front Rack Walking Lunge

5 min Max Distance: HSW

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