WOD Archive


Friday, 02.23.24

12 min to Build on Complex: Clean - FS - Jerk

Open WOD Repeat: 21.3
For Time:
15 Front Squats (65/95)
30 T2B
15 Thrusters (65/95)

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 Front Squats
30 C2B
15 Thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 Front Squats
30 BMU
15 Thrusters

Teens 14-17 Rx: 45/65 with T2B, C2B, BMU
Masters 55+ Rx 45/65 with T2B, Pull Ups, C2B
Scaled: 45/65, with HKR, Pull Ups, C2B