WOD Archive


Tuesday, 05.30.16 - WOD

Max Reps on a running clock:

- 4 min Cal Row
- 4 min Deadlift (135/205)
- 4 min Bar facing over burps
- 4 min ab mat sit ups


Monday, 05.30.16 - Memorial Day - 1 class at 10 AM only - HERO WOD MURPH

Categories // hero


 murph 200 by 200 i1uvit wod on website

- 1 mile Run (must do 4 laps on the 400m track)
- 100 pull ups
- 200 push ups
- 300 air squats
- 1 mile Run (must do 4 laps on the 400m track)

You may chose to do this as an individual or team or 2.


In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Murphy was the leader of a four-man SEAL reconnaissance unit that secretly infiltrated into the Hindu-Kush mountains on June 27, 2005. Ambushed on the 28th by overwhelming Taliban forces, Murphy valiantly climbed into the open onto high ground to make an electronic call for rescue. Wounded, he fought on, allowing one member of his squad to escape, before he himself was killed. Murphy’s remains were found during a combat search and rescue operation, July 4, 2005.



Reminder: Memorial Day Schedule for Monday, 5/30

There will only be one class on Memorial Day, Monday, 5/30 - 10am only. MURPH.




Friday, 05.27.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

8 min to work to a heavy load on the complex: 2 push press, 4 jerks (can be push jerk or split jerk)

7 min EMOM of the complex: 2 Push Press, 4 Jerks

For Time:
- 200m Run with Med Ball carry (14/20)
- 200m Run with Kettlebell carry (35/53)
- 200m Run with MB and KB carry (14/20, 35/53)
- 200m Run

*10 min TC


Thursday, 05.26.16 - WOD

For Time:
- 104 WB (14/20) (Rx: ladies to the 10' line)
- 52 Pull Ups

Rest 1 min

4 Rounds:
- 28 Pistols
- 15 Power Cleans (80/115)

*17 min TC

Post WOD extra: 4 sets of max unbroken strict pull ups


Wednesday, 05.25.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

10 min to work to a heavy DL triple

7 min AMRAP:
1/1, 2/2, 3/3...

- Deadlift (Regional: 275/405, Comp: 205/315, Rx: 155/225)
- Muscle Up (Regional: Strict MU, Comp: Ring MU, Rx: Bar MU)


Tuesday, 05.24.16 - WOD

For Time:
50 Cal Row buy-in

- Burpee Broad Jump (Rx: 4 feet)

400m Run buy-out


Monday, 05.23.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

15 min to work to a heavy Clean & Jerk

10 min AMRAP:
- 3 Power Cleans (75/115)
- 6 Squat Cleans (75/115)
- 9 Front Squats (75/115)
- 12 C2B


Friday, 05.20.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

6 min to work to a heavy squat snatch
6 min to work to a heavy squat clean

6 min AMRAP:
- 1 Squat Clean (Rx: 95/135, Comp: 115/175)
- 1 Squat Snatch (Rx: 95/135, Comp: 115/175)


Thursday, 05.19.16 - WOD

15 min AMRAP

- 8 Ring MU + 1 RD
- 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/24)
- 30 KB Swings (35/53)


Wednesday, 05.18.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

8 min to work up to a heavy load for 8 overhead barbell walking lunge steps


For Time:
- 30 Overhead barbell walking lunge steps (65/95)
- 100 DU
- 20 Overhead barbell walking lunge steps (65/95)
- 75 DU
- 10 Overhead barbell walking lunge steps (65/95)
- 50 DU


Tuesday, 05.17.16 - WOD

33 min AMRAP:

- 12 DL (105/155)
- 9 Hang Clean (105/155)
- 6 S2OH (105/155)
- 200m Run
- 12 pull ups
- 9 T2B
- 6 HSPU
- 400m Run


Monday, 05.16.16 - WOD

CrossFit Total:

- 1 Rep Max Back Squat
- 1 Rep Max Strict Press
- 1 Rep Max DL

Add your best successful lift from each movement to create a total score.


Friday, 05.13.16 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

For 6 Minutes:
Every 30 seconds - 1 Snatch


7 min AMRAP:
2/2, 4/4, 6/6...

- Power Snatch (65/95)
- Burpee Box Jump Over (24/30)



Thursday, 05.12.16 - WOD

30 min Chipper:

- 1000m Row
- 50 Thrusters (35/45)
- 30 Pull Ups

4 min rest

"Fran": 21-15-9
- Thruster (65/95)
- Pull Ups

4 min Rest

In the remaining time left complete max rep Wall Balls (14/20)

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