WOD Archive


Friday, 06.03.16 - Partner WOD

Categories // team

30 min Partner AMRAP:
- 20 WB (14/20)
- 20 KB Swing (35/53)
- 15 Pull Ups
- 15 T2B
- 50 DU (Scale: 100 singels)

The partners must rotate in this way:
P1: completes all 20 WB then
P2: completes all 20 KB swings then
P1: completes all 15 pull ups then
P2: completes all 15 T2B then
P1: completes all 50 DU then
---thats 1 round---
P2: completes all 20 WB then
P1: completes all 20 KB swings then
P2: completes all 15 pull ups then
P1: completes all 15 T2B then
P2: completes all 50 DU then
---thats 2 rounds---

and they will continue on in this fashion for 30 min