WOD Archive



Wednesday, 12.28.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

Partner WOD:

25 min AMRAP:
10 T2B – Person 1
200m Run – Person 2
50 DU – Person 1
20 Walking OH Plate lunges 25/45 – Person 2 (each step = 1 rep)
10 Plate Burpees 25/45 – Person 1

10 T2B – Person 2
200m Run – Person 1
50 DU – Person 2
20 Walking OH Plate lunges 25/45 – Person 1 (each step = 1 rep)
10 Plate Burpees 25/45 – Person 2

...continue in this pattern.

Everyone must tag hands between ALL transitions.


Friday, 11.25.16 - 1 class only at 10 AM - Post Turkey Burn

Categories // team

Partner WOD: You Go - I Go

For Time:
1 Mile Run

5 Rounds:
- 30 Power Cleans (95/135)
- 30 Pull Ups
- 30 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

1 Mile Run


Thursday, 09.22.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

Partner WOD: You Go/I Go
20 min AMRAP:
- 100 Cals on Rower
- 100 WB (14/20)
- 100 KB Swings (35/53)
- 400m Run


Thursday, 08.11.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

For Time:
- 600m Partner Run
- 80 Deadlift (125/185)
- 100 HR Push Ups (Comp: HSPU)
- 120 KB Swing (35/53)
- 140 Burpees

*You Go/I Go – split all work as needed, except you must run the 600m together.


Friday, 06.03.16 - Partner WOD

Categories // team

30 min Partner AMRAP:
- 20 WB (14/20)
- 20 KB Swing (35/53)
- 15 Pull Ups
- 15 T2B
- 50 DU (Scale: 100 singels)

The partners must rotate in this way:
P1: completes all 20 WB then
P2: completes all 20 KB swings then
P1: completes all 15 pull ups then
P2: completes all 15 T2B then
P1: completes all 50 DU then
---thats 1 round---
P2: completes all 20 WB then
P1: completes all 20 KB swings then
P2: completes all 15 pull ups then
P1: completes all 15 T2B then
P2: completes all 50 DU then
---thats 2 rounds---

and they will continue on in this fashion for 30 min



Wednesday, 05.04.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

In teams of 3 - 30 min Max Reps:

- Calorie Row
- ABMAT sit-ups
- Burpees

You must rotate movements every 2 minutes.
There will be one total max rep total score at the end.


Wednesday, 04.06.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

In teams of 3: Row 9,000m


Thursday, 03.17.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

Partner WOD: You go/I go

- 1200m Run (must run in 200m intervals)
- 120 PVC pipe V-ups
- 120 KB swings 35/53
- 1200m Run (must run in 200m intervals)


Thursday, 02.25.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

If you are competing in the 2016 CrossFit Open and plan on doing the WOD on Friday - Rest and Mobilize!

Partner WOD (You Go – I Go):
3,000m Row
100 Ab Mat Sit Ups
800m Run


Tuesday, 01.19.16 - Team WOD

Categories // team

Partner WOD:
You Go/I Go
For Time:
150 Cal Row
125 KB Swings (35/53)
100 Snatches (55/75)
75 V-Ups
800m Run (For the run, you do it with your partner - both run 800m together at the same time)


Wednesday, 10/14/15 - Team W.O.D.

Categories // team

Teams of 4:
3 RFT:
- 20 Cal Row
- Hang from the rig (with both hands)
- 200m Run
- Handstand Hold

Thursday, 09/17/15 - Team W.O.D.

Categories // team

Team WOD - in teams of 3!

7 RFT:
- 10 Hang Cleans (95/135)
- 30 DU (Scale 60 singles)
- 1 Rope Climb (Comp: Legless)
*Everyone begins on the hang cleans, once the 1st person has completed their hang cleans, then move the DUs, and the next person begins on their Hang Cleans. You begin rotating through once the movement in front of you is open.  You are done when everyone has completed 7 rounds.

Tuesday, 09/08/15 - Partner W.O.D.

Categories // team

Partner Chipper:

- 200 DU (400 singles)
- 150 KB Swings (35/53)
- 100 Box Jumps (20/24)
- 50 Hang Cleans (95/135)
- 800m Med Ball Run (14/20)
*You may split the work however you want between partners, except you both run the 800m together.

Thursday, 08/13/15 - Team W.O.D.

Categories // team

Team W.O.D.

Teams of 3:
5 RFT:
- 400m Run
- 500m Row
- 40 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Tuesday, 07/14/15 - Partner W.O.D

Categories // team

Partner WOD (You Go/I Go)

- 100 Cal Row
- 100 T2B
- 100 Snatch (65/95)
- 100 HR Push Ups
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