WOD Archive


Tuesday, 05/19/15 - W.O.D.


For Time:
- 10 MU (Scale: 10 BMU, 10 Strict C2B)
- 1 Rope Climb (Scale: 10 Recline Pulls with feet on a box)
- 20 Pistols (Scale: 20 walking lunge steps)
- 1 Rope Climb (Scale: 10 Recline Pulls with feet on a box)
- 40 Wall balls
- 1 Rope Climb (Scale: 10 Recline Pulls with feet on a box)
- 20 Pistols (Scale: 20 walking lunge steps)
- 1 Rope Climb (Scale: 10 Recline Pulls with feet on a box)
- 10 MU (Scale: 10 BMU, 10 Strict C2B)