WOD Archive


Friday, 09/26/14 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.


[caption id="attachment_5638" align="alignright" width="470"]battle at the ball field i1uvit at Mariner's game after "Size Matters" wins "Battle at the Ball Field"[/caption]

- 10 Ring MU (Scale 1: bar, Scale 2: 30 pull ups)
- 20 T2B
- 30 WB (14/20) 10' Line
- 40 Box jumps (20/24)
- 50 Ab Mat Sit Ups
- 40 Box jumps
- 30 WB
- 20 T2B
- 10 Ring MU (Scale 1: bar MU, Scale 2: 30 pull ups)