WOD Archive


CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D. - 06/04/13


- 50 calorie rowwelcome to the community that has decided that easy will no longer suffice

- 50 DUs (or 150 "singles")

- 40 Shoulder-to-Overheads (115lb/75)

- 40 box jumps (24/20")

- 30 hang cleans (115lbs/75)

- 30 wall balls (20lb / 14lb)


         20 minute time cap


CrossFit i1uvit - "Open Gym" - 06/01/13

mac van diest muscle up

Open Gym from 10am-12pm

Come makeup one of the W.O.D.'s you missed this week or just practice some techniques or lifts.


CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D. - 05/30/13

Metcon (Time)

 - 200 meter runrunning

     -  1 minute rest

- 150 meter run

     -  30 seconds rest

- 150 meter run

     -  30 seconds rest

- 150 meter run

     -  30 seconds rest

-  200 meter run


CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D. - 05/31/13

Metcon (Time)

5 rounds

- 15 DUs (or 45 "singles")kettlebell picture

- 15 KB Goblet Squat (1pood/1.5)

- 15 Snatch (45lb / 75lb)

Strength (optional)

Back Squat (5x4)

   (90 seconds to 2 minutes rest between)

CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D. - 05/29/13


Dead-lift 5x4 (2 min. rest between)

Metcon (Time)


10-minute AMRAP (timer starts at row beginning)

(1-time) - 1000 meter row "buy-in"

- 10 plyo push-ups

- 20 double-unders (or 60 "singles")

- 30 ABMAT situps


CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D. - 05/28/13

Metcon (Time)CrossFit i1uvit Does Open 13.2 (2013)

12-minute AMRAP

- Burpee/box jump (30"/24")

- Chest-2-bar pull-up

  1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4, keep adding 1 rep and climb as high as you can! :-)

CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D. - 05/27/13

Memorial Day Workout Oklahoma Strong

"Oklahoma Strong"

40 minute Partner AMRAP In Teams of 2, You Go-I Go (Partner does round, then other partner goes) 5 HSPU 20 Wall Ball (20/14) 20 Walking Lunges 13 Alternating KB Snatch (1.5/1)   The tornado was on the ground for 40 minutes, which is the length we will do the AMRAP.  Please consider donating to the Red Cross relief effort for those affected.

Welcome to CrossFit i1uvit

Welcome to the new and fully operational CrossFit gym in Lynden, Washington.  We are the first such gym in Lynden and we aim to bring the joy of CrossFit to the area residents & athletes.   We opened on January 4th with a bang and in our first month we have seen membership grown as a great rate. We outfitted a 4,300 sqft warehouse into a full-feature CrossFit box.  We have articicial grass the length of the box, a huge pull-up rack, six sets of rings, two climbing ropes, kettle bells, and a huge wall for wall-ball!   We've spared no expense to ensure that everyone, from the novice to the expert has a full & safe CrossFit experience.
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