WOD Archive


Wednesday, 03.28.18 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

10 min EMOM:
1 Clean & Jerk

For Time:
30 Clean & Jerks (95/135)


Tuesday, 03.27.18 - WOD

4 RFT:
15 Box Jumps Rx: (20/24, Comp: 30/36)
400m Run


Monday, 03.26.18 - WOD

The 3 RM Total:
15 min to find a 3 RM Strict Press
15 min to find a 3 RM Front Squat
15 min to find a 3 RM DL


Friday, 03.23.18 - Open 18.5

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 thrusters 3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 thrusters 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 thrusters 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 thrusters 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
18 thrusters 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
…etc. increasing the reps by 3 each

Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men use 100 lb.
Women use 65 lb.

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men use 65 lb., perform jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
Women use 45 lb., perform jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

Teenagers 14-15:
Boys use 65 lb., perform chin-over-bar pull-ups
Girls use 45 lb., perform chin-over-bar pull-ups

Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys use 45 lb., perform jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
Girls use 35 lb., perform jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

Masters 55+:
Men use 65 lb., perform chin-over-bar pull-ups
Women use 45 lb., perform chin-over-bar pull-ups

Scaled Masters 55+:
Men use 45 lb., perform jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
Women use 35 lb., perform jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups


Thursday, 03.22.18 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

Bench press 5-5-5-5-5

For Time:
- Double Unders
- AbMat Situps


Wednesday, 03.21.18 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

10 min EMOM: 1 Hang Squat Snatch

9 min AMRAP:
3 Hang Squat Snatch (Rx: 65/95, Comp: 105/155)
33 KB swing (35/53)
300m Run


Tuesday, 03.20.18 - WOD

4 RFT:
7 Power Cleans (95/135)
9 S2OH (95/135)
11 T2B


Monday, 03.19.18 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

14 min AMRAP:
5 RMU (scale 1: BMU, scale 2: Pull Ups)
15 Burpee BJ Over (20/24”)
30 WB (14#/20#, 9’/10’)

Post WOD:
4-4-4 Back Squat
10-10-10 DB Thruster


Friday, 03.16.18 - Open 18.4

21 deadlifts (weight 1)
21 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts (weight 1)
15 handstand push-ups
9 deadlifts (weight 1)
9 handstand push-ups
21 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
15 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk
9 deadlifts (weight 2)
50-ft. handstand walk

Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men deadlift 225 lb. then 315 lb.
Women deadlift 155 lb. then 205 lb.

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men deadlift 135 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,then deadlift 185 lb. and bear crawl
Women deadlift 95 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,then deadlift 135 lb. and bear crawl

Teenagers 14-15:
Boys deadlift 135 lb. then 185 lb.
Girls deadlift 95 lb. then 135 lb.

Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys deadlift 75 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups,then deadlift 95 lb. and bear crawl
Girls deadlift 55 lb. and perform hand-release push-ups, then deadlift 75 lb. and bear crawl

Masters 55+:
Men deadlift 185 lb. and push press 95 lb., then deadlift 255 lb.and perform sets of 10 handstand push-ups in place of handstand walks
Women deadlift 125 lb. and push press 65 lb., then deadlift 165 lb.and perform sets of 10 handstand push-ups in place of handstand walks

Scaled Masters 55+:
Men deadlift 115 lb. and perform hand-release knee push-ups,then deadlift 155 lb. and bear crawl
Women deadlift 80 lb. and perform hand-release knee push-ups,then deadlift 105 lb. and bear crawl


Thursday, 03.15.18 - Partner WOD

Categories // team

Partner WOD:
For Time:
100 Cal Row - Hang From Rig
150 KB Swing (35/53) - Plank Hold
75 Assault Bike Cals - OH Barbell Hold (35/45)
800m Partner KB Run (35/53)


Wednesday, 03.14.18 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

8 min EMOM: 1 Snatch

For Time:
30 Rig Touch Burpees
300m Run
35 WB (14/20, 9/10)
300m Run
40 hollow rocks
300m Run
45 AbMat Situps


Tuesday, 03.13.18 - WOD

4 min AMRAP:
15 DL (125/185)
15 DB S2OH (35/50)

- 3 min Rest -

4 min AMRAP:
15 Hang Power Clean (75/115)
40' DB Walking Lunge Steps (35/50)

Post WOD: 3-3-3 Power Cleans


Monday, 03.12.18 - Strength + WOD

Categories // strength

12 min to work up to a heavy 3 rep Front Squat

For Time:
- Thruster (70/100)
- C2B


Friday, 03.09.18 - CrossFit Open 18.3

2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups

Time cap: 14 minutes

Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 80-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches
Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Teenagers 14-15:
Boys perform 75-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches
Girls perform 55-lb. OHS, 20-lb. DB snatches

Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches
Girls perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 10-lb. DB snatches

Masters 55+:
Men perform 75-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 55-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Scaled Masters 55+:
Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches
Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 10-lb. DB snatches


Thursday, 03.08.18 - WOD

9 min AMRAP:
10 T2B
12 DB Snatch (35/50)
14 Walking Lunge Steps with 1 DB (35/50)

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