WOD Archive


Thursday, 09/05/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

DU Flight Simulator: 5 min to get as high as you can. Record #, then go back down. W.O.D. - "Open 13.3": 12 min AMRAP ​- 150 Wall Balls (14/20) - ​90 Double-unders - ​30 Muscle-ups

Wednesday, 09/04/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Dead Lift: 4-4-4-Max Reps-4-4-4 @ 65%-70%-75%-80%-75%-70%-65%

[caption id="attachment_3932" align="alignright" width="198"]Ryan Davis T2B at WODFest 2013 Ryan Davis T2B at WODFest 2013[/caption]  

W.O.D. - "Chipper"

- 30 Deadlift (135/185) - 40 Alternate Leg Pistols - 30 Handstand Push-ups - 40 Box Jumps (24"/30") - 30 Toes-2-Bar - 40 KB Swing (35 / 53 / 2-pood)

Tuesday, 09/03/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

C & J: 4-4-4-4 @ 80% Open WOD 11.3: - 5 min AMRAP ​Squat Clean & Jerk (110/165) Details: In this movement, the barbell goes from ground to overhead with the athlete passing through a full squat position while the barbell is racked on the shoulders. This can be a full-squat-clean-thruster, a power-clean-front-squat-split-jerk, or anything in between as long as the three key positions are reached. The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing. The athlete must pass through a full squat with hips below knees. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the heels. • 2 min Rest • Max 500m Row

Friday, 08/30/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

W.O.D. - 1500 m row - 45 hr push up - 100 double unders

Thursday, 08/29/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Pull Up/Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D. - (*25 min time cap) • Triple Drawn-Out Helen: - 1200 m run - 63 kb swings - 36 pull ups - 800 m run - 42 kb swings - 24 pull ups - 400 m run - 21 kb swings - 12 pull ups

Wednesday, 08/2813 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Back Squat: 5-5-5-Max Reps-5-5-5 @ 60%-65%-70%-75%-70%-65%-60% W.O.D. - 4 rounds for time: - 15 Box Jumps (24/30) - 200m Run - 50 Meters Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunges (Down and Back) (105 / 165)

Tuesday, 08/27/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Hang Snatch, Power Snatch, Squat Snatch > 1 Rep 3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D. - 12 AMRAP: - ​12 Thrusters (95/65) - ​12 Toes to Bar ​- 12 Burpees

Monday, 08/26/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Deadlift: 5-5-5-Max Reps-5-5-5 @ 60%-65%-70%-75%-70%-65%-60% W.O.D. - "TABATA This" - Tabata Row - Rest 1 minute - Tabata Squat - Rest 1 minute - Tabata Pull-up - Rest 1 minute - Tabata Push-up - Rest 1 minute - Tabata Sit-up The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories". *24 min WOD.

Friday, 08/23/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Work to 1RM Strict Press then a set of max reps at 75%



In teams of 2 complete 1000m of alternating roles between Farmer's Carry and Waiter Carry.
Neither team member can move until each person has their weight where it needs to be:  1 with KBs at their sides, 1 with KBs overhead.
If a partner stops the team stops, must stay together.
Can switch as who is doing what as frequently as needed.
Choose the heaviest weight that you and your partner can handle: 1 set for farmer's carry and 1 presumably lighter set for waiter carry.

Thursday, 08/22/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Clean & Jerk 1RM1146830_365186796942835_676334578_o


W.O.D. - 10 minute "Every Minute on the Minute" (EMOM)

- 1 squat clean into 2 front squats
starting on the 11th minute
- Ascending burpee EMOM until failure (1 burpee first minute, 2 the second and so on...)

Wednesday, 08/21/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

(Optional) - Pull-up Strength: 4-4-4-4-4


W.O.D. - Max reps1064031_347267688734746_1023444359_o

- 4 minute row (calories)
- 1 minute rest
- 3 minute KB swing (35/53)
- 1 minute rest
- 2 minute Double-unders
- 1 minute rest
- 1 minute "Shoulder to overhead" (65lbs / 95lbs)

Tuesday, 08/20/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

1012647_347264338735081_1487518971_nFront Squat 1RM



20 minute AMRAP of "Cindy"  or "Mary" (coaches will help determine which each will do)
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 HR pushups
- 15 air squats
- 5 HSPU
- 10 Pistols
- 15 pull-ups

Monday, 08/19/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Snatch 1RM579118_297136057081243_1326462440_s


"Nancy" - 5 rounds for time - 400 meter run - 15 OHS (65lbs / 95lbs)  

"Farewell Coach Chris Pash who is headed off to a new chapter in his life.  We at i1uvit will miss you Chris!"


Friday, 08/16/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

STRENGTH Back Squat 5x5 @ 80% of 1RM 90sec - 2 min rest W.O.D. - 2K Row - rest 2 minutes - 75 wall ball (14lbs / 20lbs)

Thursday, 08/15/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

7 min AMRAP 400 meter run buy-in - 7 Handstand push-ups - 7 Muscle-up - 7 box jump (24/30) At 7 min: 5 min AMRAP 200 meter run buy-in - 5 Muscle-up - 5 Handstand push-ups - 5 Box jump (24/30)
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