WOD: "Clean & Jerk EMOM"
1 clean & jerk on the minute.
Add 1 rep every minute. You are done when you fail to make your # before minute is over.
(95lbs / 135lbs)
3 rounds for total reps
1 min at each
- Double unders
- Kb swing 35/53
- Ab mat sit up
- Alternating pistols
- Calorie row
- Rest
Optional Deadlift strength after WOD
This is the workout for the entire gym and also the opening day test of the "Food Matters Challenge". We will redo this at the end of the challenge to test improvements.
- 500 meter row
- 10 pull-ups
- 20 HR push-up
- 30 ABMAT sit-ups
- 40 air squats
- 30 ABMAT sit-ups
- 20 HR push-ups
- 10 pull-ups
- 500 meter row