WOD Archive


Tuesday, 08/13/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

WOD 3 rounds for total reps 1 min at each - Double unders - Kb swing 35/53 - Ab mat sit up - Alternating pistols - Calorie row - Rest Optional Deadlift strength after WOD

Moday, 08/12/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 WOD 3 rounds - 25 Wall ball (14lbs / 20lbs) - 20 T2B - 15 OHS (95/135)


Friday, 08/09/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

"Heavy 5" Strict pull up 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. (4 rounds for time) - 9 snatch (95/135) - 12 box jump (24" / 30") - 15 T2B

Wednesday, 8/7/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Partner W.O.D. (1 person working at a time) - 1 mile run - 100 kb swings (35/53) - 150 burpees - 100 kb swings (35/53) - 1 mile run

Tuesday, 08/06/13 - Crossfit i1ivit W.O.D.

Heavy Back Squat W.O.D. "Just 9 min" 3 rounds - 60 sec hang clean (65 / 95) - 60 sec front squats (65 / 95) - 60 sec Push press (65 / 95) - 60 sec rest

Monday, 08/05/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

IMG_1360This is the workout for the entire gym and also the opening day test of the "Food Matters Challenge". We will redo this at the end of the challenge to test improvements. - 500 meter row - 10 pull-ups - 20 HR push-up - 30 ABMAT sit-ups - 40 air squats - 30 ABMAT sit-ups - 20 HR push-ups - 10 pull-ups - 500 meter row

Friday, 08/02/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

12 minutes to find 1RM Snatch8483108457_a4264c6b62_c


10 min AMRAP
- 5 push press (75/115) - 10 dead lift (75/115) - 15 box jump (20/24)

Thursday, 08/01/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.


AFAP (As Fast As Possible)
- Run 1 mile
rest 2 minutes
- Row 2k

Wednesday, 07/31/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Power Clean Training 2-2-2-2-2-2-2


5 rounds - 5 power cleans 115/205 - 10 burpees

Tuesday, 07/30/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Front Squat Strength

12 min to find 1rm front squat


8 minute AMRAP
-  8 thrusters (65/95) - 18 pull-ups - 28 Double-unders

Monday, 07/29/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

3-Person Team W.O.D.

4 Rounds for time. ( move forward when teammate in front of imagesyou is finished with  movement )
1. 20 meter lateral plank walk (10 m to the left/10 m to the right)
2. 21 KB Swing 35/53
3. 200 meter sandbag run

Friday 07/26/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

5x3 Hang Snatch 5, 5, 3, 3, 2, 1 Squat Snatch W.O.D. - 12 min AMRAP - 10 KB Snatch R/L ( 10 each ) - 15 T2B

Thursday, 07/25/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

"Barbara" 5 rounds (for time) - 20 pull-ups - 30 push-ups - 40 sit-ups - 50 air squats

Wednesday, 07/24/13 - CrossFit i1uvit W.O.D.

Find 1 rep max Thrustermedicine balls W.O.D. "Buy- in" 400 meter med-ball run Then 21-15-9 - Thrusters (75lbs / 115lbs) - Burpees "Buy-out" 400 meter med-ball run
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