Domestic Goddess (more commonly known as stay at home mom) sometimes I put on my hairdressing shoes too :)
Which class time do you usually attend?
12 or 4:30pm
Which class time do you usually attend?
12 or 4:30
How long have you been CrossFitting?
Since October 2013
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit?
My husband, Mac, started attending when it first opened after hearing from my cousin Josh Kraght how much he would love this "Matt Lovelady" guy... Turns out he was right ;)
What is your athletic/fitness background:
Soccer was my life growing up, and played basketball in highschool as well.
Favorite WOD:
Long chippers. I enjoy finding a steady pace and keeping it.
Favorite lift or movement:
can't pick between squats or presses/jerks
Least favorite WOD:
Kelly- it feels like it should be done after two rounds
Least favorite movement:
ring dips
Favorite life quote:
Living in the moment is being aware of the moment we are in, if our minds are in the past or future we are not truly alive in the present. -satsuki shibuyu
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food:
wine... That's a food...right??!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?
The gym feels like family. The people I have met and friends I have made have helped make crossfit an even greater experience. Fitness wise, I had an injury that ended my soccer career in 2005 and I did not feel like myself until I started crossfit again. I began to view my body again for what it could do and not what it appeared as.
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back?
Many things, the coaches, the members, the wods, the soreness... All of it
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement?
Continuing to wod throughout my pregnancy up until two days before I gave birth to my daughter Vivian. And being able to return 3 weeks and 4 days after having her.
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?
To someday be able to do every movement.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit?
I simply spend my time and enjoy living life with my friends and family. Mac and I have been blessed with raising two beautiful daughters, Gracie & Vivian. We love to vacation to eastern Washington in the summers and Maui in the winter with some country concerts mixed in between.
Any advice for new members?
Jump on in! You will be nervous and probably a little intimidated and VERY SORE, but it will be one of the best decisions of your life once you start.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments:
We are so lucky as i1uvit members to have our box as our home box. We have dropped in other places on vacations and always leave thinking how lucky we are with our coaches, programming, location, and overall environment. And we have Matt and Kay to thank for all of it!
Shout out to my fellow pregnant WOD girls, Kaylee and Kara, it was so fun to experience this time in our lives together at the gym. Staying fit during pregnancy through i1uvit will be something I'll always look back at and be proud of, so glad I had you ladies to keep me motivated! And lastly, thanks to my awesome hubby for showing me this world of crossfit, it has changed our life in so many ways and I'm so thankful to share it with you.