Rob Beishline


Age: 49
Occupation: Art Professor at Whatcom Community College
Which class time do you usually attend? Noon classes in the summer and evenings in the Fall.

How long have you been CrossFitting? Since July 2018!

How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? I had been training at a non-crossfit gym for a few months, but wanted to give CrossFit a try because my son and I watched the CrossFit movies on Netflix. I looked for an intro class and heard good things about i1uvit from friends, so I signed up for the intro class along with my son Dane.

What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): I ran track and cross country in high school. I love to get out in the woods in the fall and spring for wild mushroom hunts and hikes. I love to go to the local beach and skimboard.

Favorite WOD: I like longer WODs that have runs, rows, or assault bikes worked in like the Triple 3 we did as teams a while back. I enjoy partner and team WODs because they push me to work harder.

Favorite lift or movement: My favorite lift is the snatch because it is the most difficult for me to do correctly. I really have to focus on each lift when I do it. I have some serious mobility issues in my shoulders! I love to run as well, and to push and carry things.

Least favorite WOD: I struggle when a WOD combines overhead lifts and chest to bars. My shoulders are sore for days because of how my mobility is tested.

Least favorite lift or movement: Front squats are killers for me, I have to go with low weight. I am getting better though.

Favorite quote: How about a funny one from when the dad puts a cougar in the car with Ricky Bobby to help him overcome his fear of driving in the movie Talladega Nights: "If you're calm that wonderous cat will be calm too. But if you're scared, that beautiful death machine will do what God made it to do, namely, eat you with a smile on its face." Maybe that applies to some WODs?

And a more serious favorite, not a quote, but a poem titled "True Night" by Gary Snyder, I get a bit emotional when I read it.

Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: A good pastry from Avenue Bread, almond croissants are a favorite.

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness? My fitness level had really dropped between my late 30s and mid 40s. A year ago I decided I needed to change that. i1uvit has given me a place where I can get the coaching, community, and motivation to improve my fitness. I am more flexible, stronger, and mobile than I have been in a decade (or more!). More importantly I love working out and how I feel and function because of it. CrossFit also helps me to look at my diet and habits. I have a lot of room for improvement in those areas, but the demands of the workouts help me push to make better choices around sleep and diet.

Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? Being healthy and happy for myself and also for my wife, daughter and son. My son Dane works out with me, and he is a big motivator. He works hard and loves i1uvit, and he can really move in the workouts, and of course I want to try to keep up with him. I turn 50 this year and my lack of flexibility has been a big concern, and CrossFit has really helped me be able to squat, bend, and lift in all the chores and work in my daily life. I am also motivated by the mental/emotional rewards. I don't think about the stresses of life or work during a WOD. I am happy at the gym.

What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? My achievements are all in the 1% improvement realm. I am now able to front squat a number of reps in a row, that is huge for me. When I started, front squats were so painful on my wrists and my form was horrible. The coaches have helped me with form, and with lightening loads.

Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit? I want to be able to squat with weight overhead. It will take time and patience but it would be a sign of the improved mobility that I am working towards.

Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit: I make art- mostly sculpture and pottery. I love camping and hiking especially with my family and friends.

Any advice for new members? Listen to the coaches and talk to them about movements that you are not sure about. They really care about your health and safety and can help scale movements for you. Also, focus on your own goals. Everyone is working on something, and I have found that the community at i1uvit is a really supportive one. Be in it for the long haul, work with intensity, but also listen to your body.

Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Shout out to the coaches and Matt and Kaylee for creating a great environment! You all help me stay focused on what I can do right now. My goal is to do this long term, and you all help me be patient and reasonable as I set and work towards my goals. Also a shout out to the other i1uvit members who make Dane and I feel so welcome.