Supermom to 3 year old spider-boy, and Administrative Assistant for the Nooksack Tribal Police.
Which class time do you usually attend?
I am a regular at the 6pm class. 6 pm‘ers Rock!! (;
How long have you been CrossFitting?
September 22, 2014 was my first day of intro camp at i1uvit. I still remember after my first day not being able to get out of the car or even being able to step on to the curb… Painful memories.
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit?
Chris Pash was the one who encouraged our canoe club to try it out and my mom took it upon herself to sign us all up before we could say “yes or no”. She even had to bribe me by paying my intro class fee, so I had no choice…Thanks mom!
What is your athletic/fitness background?
Growing up I was always active in sports such as Basketball, volleyball, cross country, and I canoe paddled since I was 6.
Least favorite WOD:
The only WODS that make me cringe when I look at the board are the ones that require a lot of—- counting! You know those people that map out how they are going to tackle a workout?
Well I need to have to plan on how I can keep track of what rep I am on. I’m not worried about MURPH, GRACE, 70 cal rows… I’m worried about Ladders, AMRAPS, and TABATAS. What round am I on again?
Least favorite movement:
Bar Facing Burpees! There’s too much thinking in BFB’s. Timing, twirling in midair, trying not to eat the bar, and on top of that trying to remember what rep you’re on. Sheesh.
Favorite WOD:
I recently discovered love in doing partner WODs. I usually try partner up with the ones that are experts in counting. #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork
Favorite lift or movement:
cleans, running, deadlifts, rope climbs and squats.
Favorite life quote:
Work hard. Stay Humble. #GoHawks
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food:
I cannot control myself when I am around a tub of frosting. Rainbow chip frosting=GameOver.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness?
Before Joining i1uvit I was a frequent visitor of a traditional gym. I remember working out on machines doing pointless reps and running nowhere on a treadmill. Walking in and trying to figure out what to do, only to gravitate to the same exercises made it difficult to motivate myself to go to the gym on a consistent basis. I eventually got bored, wasn’t getting the results I wanted, and working out became a chore. Then I was introduced to Crossfit, and now working out is the highlight of my day! Every workout was different and kept me interested and entertained. I loved it! I then started adjusting my diet and sleeping habits as my dedication to Crossfit started to grow. I noticed the shift in my health was changing my moods. When I woke up I might have been sore, but I felt GOOD! I found myself doing pushups in the kitchen while waiting for my quinoa to cook, doing air squats while waiting in line at the grocery store, bench pressing my 3 year old in the living room, drinking so much water I had to pee every 15 mins. I was addicted! Crossfit became my lifestyle, it became something that I live, eat, and breathe. My only regret, regarding Crossfit, is that I didn’t discover it sooner. #i1uvit
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back:
When I first started my fitness journey, I like any novice athlete wanted to work off extra pounds, add muscular definition, prepare for canoe racing and just stay active. However, as I progressed at Iluvit, my mindset changed to not only improve my overall quality of life through exercise, eating right, being able to sleep at nights, I set the ultimate goal to be functionally fit, to push every aspect of my body to the max to enjoy being healthy, strong and in shape. I keep coming back to I1uvit because I feel comfortable and I love the challenge of competing against myself. I don’t feel intimated by anyone. In fact, the others often motivate me and encourage me to push my boundaries. When I accomplish a new PR goal, I look forward to the next day so I can add more weight and meeting with the coaches to ask how I can do better. When I completed my first pull-up WOD without the bands, I couldn’t wait to do more. Despite the painful bleeding of ripped skin and blisters, I laugh now because I was actually proud of those battle wounds. Those wounds were my proof of the high volume of work and repetition on barbells, pull-up bars workouts anything to avoid that dreaded “DNF” on the whiteboard. Crossfit has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone, I haven’t mastered everything by far that’s why I keep going back. I feel stronger and fit and confident even when I FAIL! Why?
Simply because I had the courage to try, and fail, but with each day as I got stronger…I knew I would succeed. I love that “YES! Highfive to myself” feeling!
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement?
Crossfit has given me motivation to step out of my comfort zone and try new things like signing myself up for my first half marathon (which I never-ever seen myself doing). As Crossfit evolves, I see myself testing my abilities well beyond what I thought I was capable of. I remember when I could only dream of doing a pull-up, rope climb, double-unders, muscle-ups these are all very small but I never thought I’d be able to do any of them just a year ago. Crossfit gave me the confidence I never knew I had. Breaking out of my comfort zone is my proudest Crossfit achievement… I am growing.
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit?
There are so many things I want to improve on but the one thing that I can’t wait, and wish I had more patients with is getting my first Ring Muscle-up. #DreamBig
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit?
My first love is canoe paddling. During the spring/summer months my canoe club and I travel to race against other crews from all over. I love any form of competition. I also enjoy running, traveling, being around family, and chasing my son around!
Any advice for new members?
Whenever someone tells me they are starting Crossfit I can’t help but laugh because they have no idea what kind of psycho obsessed journey they are beginning. I just tell them be prepared to be ADDICTED!
Second piece of advice I might have is if you are just starting Crossfit you might as well drag your mate or best friend along with you now. Save them the misery of all your crossfit stories (because they have no idea what you are talking about), and create them together! It took me a year to convince my significant other Dante (the buff witty samoan at 6pm class) to join the Crossfit cult. It didn’t take him long to turn into a crossfit nut like the rest of us. A couple that sweats together, stays together.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments:
Shoutout to Matt and Kaylee and the coaching staff for being so awesome! I am grateful for your leadership and friendship on my my Crossfit journey. I am proud to be a part of the i1uvit Family.
Also I want to thank Margaret Mamac for always motivating me, guiding me, and giving me tips. She’s been a huge inspiration on my crossfit journey, and I hope to be a ninja just like her someday.
Last and final thought, Cheers to health and wellness… Work hard. Stay Humble. #GoHawks