Patty Seaman


Age: 66

Occupation: Business Owner

Which class time do you usually attend? 4:30, 9:30, whatever I can fit into my life

How long have you been CrossFitting? 2 years

How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? Being up for almost anything, I wanted to try CrossFit. Brad and Becky were my neighbors. I wanted to try something that would help me build muscle since every news report on seniors says we are losing so much muscle. Jessie knew about the gym from Brad and Becky and suggested I give it a whirl. Drove through the parking lot the first time and chickened out. Asked Jessie, my daughter, to help me no chicken out. We went together and the rest is history for both of us.

What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): I went to high school before Title 9, (yes I am old physically, but not mentally) so girls didn't have athletics in school. But I grew up water and snow skiing.

I was always a pretty active adult until 2001 when I had a 70 mph rollover accident on I-5. Fractured T-12 and had about 5 years before I could walk more than a few hundred feet. Started jogging when I hit 57 and have run (slowly) 5 half marathons.

Favorite WOD: All of them

Favorite lift or movement: Deadlifts

Least favorite WOD. Can't think of one.

Least favorite lift or movement: Burpees or back squats

Favorite quote: Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives puts us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: Wine!

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness? Let me count the ways.

I think the biggest change is actually mental. Growing older you kinda accept not being able to do many things. I now realize that with hard work, I can do anything. My confidence level has changed so much.

Physically my life is so much easier. Just moving is easier. Fewer aches and pains.

Now the down side...My husband won't let me get away with "I can't do that".

Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? I absolutely love seeing all the young moms there. They inspire me. I know how hard it is to take time for yourself as a young mom. Keep it up! Don't let life keep you from taking care of yourself.

What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? Because of CrossFit I was able to go white water rafting on the Colorado river in the Grand Canyon. There was an 11 mile hike out with just about a mile elevation gain. Took us 10 hours and I enjoy every minute of it. I could never have done this without CrossFit! Never.

But, I am proud every time I show up and sweat. Just watch me grin through some of the workouts.

Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit? Only one? Someday, pullups and toes to bar.

Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit Checking off the bucket list. Enjoying family, grandkids, dogs, camping and going to Hawaii snorkeling.

Any advice for new members? I am proof that anyone can do CrossFit when they have great coaches! You don't have to be in shape or injury free. Just what you can. Just Move!

Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Everyone has been so supportive and helped motivate me so much. I appreciate absolutely every single person there. Just wait to see how fit I am when I hit 80! And Kaylee, thank you so much for not being hesitant to let me join the gym. I am sure looking at my injury many places would not really have been joyed to have me there!