Nate Rider


Age: 21
Occupation: Full Time Student
Which class time do you usually attend? 4:30 ride or die
How long have you been CrossFitting? Coming up on one year.
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? Did a couple quick Google searches, visited the gym and signed up that day.
What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): I stayed relatively active throughout High School. Playing football in the Fall, lifting in the Winter and running track in the Spring.
Favorite WOD: Long grueling wods that include running.
Favorite lift or movement: Snatch
Least favorite WOD: Don’t have a least favorite WOD, yet.
Least favorite lift or movement: DB Thrusters
Favorite quote: “You can’t teach heart”
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: A nice greasy sandwich.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness? CrossFit has taught me that fitness is not one size fits all. As long as you get out and move, your body and mind will thank you for it.
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? The entire community that i1uvit has. I get excited to come and workout with people who are so genuine and kind. It's a great atmosphere, one that constantly makes you a better athlete and person.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? It's not a specific moment in particular, it’s the fact that I’m getting better at something each and everyday. Each day brings something new to be proud of.
Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit? Right now I am just trying to get better. Being so new to CrossFit means there’s a lot to learn. I am just trying to take in as much information as I can while continuing to having fun, and of course getting fitter in the process.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? Skiing in the winter and hunting in the fall. Other than that, school.
Any advice for new members? Don’t be intimidated. Come regularly and have fun with it.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Would just like to thank all of the coaches and members for making my first year of CrossFit an absolute blast. Couldn’t be happier with my decision to join i1uvit.