Age: 41
Occupation: One occupation too many! I am a warehouse stocker at our beautiful new Costco in Bellingham, and I manage a property in South Bellingham.
Which class time do you usually attend? 6am or the 4pm's.
How long have you been CrossFitting? March 1st was 6 months!
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? My beautiful friend that I run with kept explaining how the classes that she was taking at i1luvit were so challenging that I had to come and see for myself.
What is your athletic/fitness background (If applicable) I had taught fitness and dance since I was sixteen years old until almost four years ago.
Favorite WOD: I don't know the names yet, but anything with deadlifts, pullups, or running in it.
Favorite lift or movement: Deadlift.
Least favorite WOD: Perhaps the 150 box jump burpees.
Least favorite movement: Box jump.
Favorite life quote: "Never Give Up" and "What would you attempt in life if you knew that you could not fail?"
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: My husband's homemade pico de gallo with lime Tostito tortilla chips.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness? This question makes me smile. It has changed my life in many ways: I schedule a lot of things "around" my classes now. You may say that I've had so many physical and mental rewards to this point, that I make CrossFit a priority. I have never felt so strong in my life, and this is very important to me having a very physically demanding job, and being at a more advanced age. I'm addicted!
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? My dear friend Dena pushing right along with me, my husband Chris for being so encouraging, and all of the fabulous coaches and CrossFit community at i1luvit for being so supportive, friendly and consistent.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement: Unassisted pullups!
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit: Learn how to do a kipping pullup.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit: Halloween is my all-time favorite time of year. I usually start getting excited in July! I can't live without my rock concerts. I enjoy running with Dena & Ellery, and I love going on adventures with my husband and our doggies.
Any advice for new members? Get in the door and be consistent. I love how Coach Erica encourages us to "do two more than we want to before taking a break". I love the "1% Better Every Day" advice, because that's how it's kept me coming back over and over for more.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: I'm grateful and I will keep coming back! I'm so happy to belong to this very fine fitness community. Thank you.