Age: 21
Occupation: Lummi fitness center desk attendant. Now a graduate from NWIC.
Which class time do you usually attend? I usually attend 5:30
How long have you been CrossFitting? about 9 months.
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? through my sister's Celina and Elizabeth, Celina had signed me up for intro camp and it was on from there.
What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): basketball as kid and running during P.E class in middle school and highschool, wasn't into the team sports I was about anything with wheels and ramps, I had been skateboarding for 10 years and won best native 2 years in a row at the All Nations Skate jam, along those year's I had picked up scootering, and snowboarding.
Favorite WOD: I'd have to go with hero WOD Helton, 3 rounds for time 800 meter run, 30 dumbbell squat cleans, and 30 Burpees. If not that a long chipper is always fun.
Favorite lift or movement: running, rope climbs, dumbell snatch, and pistols. There's almost too much to choose from.
Least favorite WOD. probably Fran or that partner WOD with row/hang, 150 kettle bell swings/plank, OH barbell hold/assault bike, and 800m kettle bell run.
Least favorite lift or movement: high pulls.
Favorite quote: I don't know if I have a favorite quote, but "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take" kind of speaks.
Favorite "guilty pleasure" food: Chai tea butterscotch latte ??,and stuff like crunch doughnuts, maple bars, peanut butter cups are really good and probably a sweet coffee.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness? well, I'll start with me and my sister's always have something to talk about, I eat alot healthier now and I'm alot more focused on balancing my everyday life with work, school, being a father, and being the best I can be at what I'll do on a daily basis. As far as level of fitness I noticed my average mile time for a 5k has gone down about a minute from 7:30-8:00to 6:30-7:00, for skateboarding and scootering I seem to have better control of different tricks, and have yet to try the mountain but I'm sure my endurance in snowboarding will have a good improvement.
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? The community for sure, the people in the gym, and the coaches, we all show up to get better everyday and the gym is a positive environment. Best part of the day.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? probably my first bar muscle up and first ring muscle up.
Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit? better athletic abilities outside of CrossFit, a healthier lifestyle in general, and to get better at the gymnastic movement's in CrossFit.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? Skateboarding, scootering, snowboarding, kendama, and hiking.
Any advice for new members? keep coming in and work hard, everytime you walk into the gym and do the WOD you walk out 1% better than how you came in, and if you have any questions feel free to ask the coaches, they're very supportive.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Huge Thanks to my sister's for getting me into CF and started at i1uvit, thanks Matt and Kaylee for an awesome gym, and shout out the coaches for taking the time to do what you do, it is very appreciated!