Kelly Alvidrez


Age: 27
Occupation: Operations Technician at BP
Which class time do you usually attend? Depending on my work schedule I will usually attend Noon or 5:30/6
How long have you been CrossFitting? 3 years in January
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? My roommate at the time, Megan Young, was coming to i1uvit! I was encouraged by her and Mac.
What is your athletic/fitness background (If applicable) I was a Division I Swimmer at New Mexico State University.
Favorite WOD: Call me crazy, but I enjoy quick burners like Fran. I like workouts that have pull ups, chest to bars, muscle ups, or handstand pushups (because they come a little easier to me). But I also love workouts that challenge me with barbell cycling, something that I am trying to get better at.
Favorite lift or movement: I really doing lifting complexes where you get to hit a couple lifts in one movement. I think they are the most fun!
Least favorite WOD: Rowing- but I’m working on having a more positive attitude
Least favorite movement: I struggle with putting the barbell over my head. That, and handstand walks.
Favorite life quote: Jack London’s “Credo”: “I’d rather be ashes than dust! I’d rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow than a sleep y and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not exist.”
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: Umm, Red Wine ;) I also have a hard time turning down baked goods. Cookies, cakes, muffins, brownies!
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness? CrossFit has given me the tools to create for myself a goal driven and intentional life. When I began attending at the gym, I found myself realizing the satisfaction of setting and achieving goals. The feeling of accomplishment gives me a mental and physical high and I can’t help but want more. With that yearning to continually do better at the gym, I’ve noticed that I am consciously changing my actions outside of the gym as well. I have changed my diet to fuel my body to perform better. I have found balance and created structure in my life outside of the gym to ensure that I am satisfying the work/life/gym balance as fully as I am capable. I have realized that I am my best self when I am doing things that make me happy, and that has driven me to explore more of my passions. Those are just a few of the changes I’ve seen in my life. My level of fitness- I’ve gotten a lot stronger :)
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back?  I think the most exciting think about CrossFit is seeing the excitement on people’s faces when they accomplish something that they have never done before. I love seeing people PR, get a pull up for the first time, RX their first workout, etc. That makes me SO happy.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement?  I have a few- Qualifying for the Cascade Classic last year as an individual. Getting my first ring muscle up (after telling a group the night before “I’m going to get a muscle up tomorrow”). Snatching 135#. Competing with the i1uvit teams at the CanWest Games and the Cascade Classic this year.
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit: I would love to be in the top 150 in the region in the Open.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit:  Spending time with Oscar, reading, painting, making pretty chalkboards for people, spending time with my family, hiking
Any advice for new members?  Always complete the workout with intensity- from start to finish. Whether you are scaling or substituting movements know that you are giving your full effort.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: CrossFit has brought me to some of the best people I know, I’m very thankful to my girl squad. My life has been ever changed because of our relationship that was fostered at i1uvit. Shout-out to Oscar for being the most supportive dance mom around. And giving me all of the time I need to pursue my passions.