Jey Williams


Age: 27
Occupation: Human Resources Senior Team Leader (Target)
Which class time do you usually attend? Usually 6:30pm but occasionally I’ll do 9:30am
How long have you been CrossFitting? About seven months
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? My wife knew Kaylee (owner/ coach) and convinced me to try the free Saturday classes. A few months later we signed up for the intro camp.
What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): I wrestled and did track(throwing) in high school and also boxed for a while.
Favorite WOD: “Grace”
Favorite lift or movement: Any type of heavy squat or deadlifts
Least favorite WOD: We did a variation of Karen (150 wall balls for time) but we had to do 15 kettlebell swings every time we broke up on the wall balls. It was the stuff of nightmares
Least favorite lift or movement: wall balls and burpees
Favorite quote: “I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food:
Ice cream and pizza

How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness?

Life: it has taught me a new outlook on goal setting. It’s also taught me a more positive mindset and I’ve learned to appreciate small victories a lot more.
Lifestyle: it’s more than just a fitness regimen for me it’s a lifestyle a lot of choices I make outside of the gym are to improve myself inside and out of the gym. I’m super introverted so it’s also made me branch out as a person.
Fitness: I am on the road to being the fittest I’ve ever been. There are things I can do now that I wasn’t ever able to do even when I was in my “prime” as an athlete.

Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? Everyone, the coaches and other athletes in there. It’s awesome seeing other people continue to improve.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? I would say actually participating in the open. There were so many things I never thought I’d be capable of doing and I did them during the open.
Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit? To be better at gymnastics/ body weight movements. I’m always comfortable with a barbell but I don’t move myself as well as I’d like.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? Making music is a huge one. also like writing. I’m also a huge comic book and movie nerd.
Any advice for new members? Have fun, be patient and run your own race.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Thanks to all of the friends I’ve made and who suffer through workouts with me. A special thanks to the coaches, they truly put a lot of effort into getting to know each individual athlete and that really means a lot.