Jason Marlowe


Age: 49
Occupation: Safety Manager for Granite Construction
Which class time do you usually attend? I’m a diehard 4:30 goer and Saturday open gym.
How long have you been CrossFitting? Went to Intro Camp in November 2017, so about 15 Months.
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? A couple years ago when my good friend Mitch moved back to Lynden, he told me about this gym he was training at called CrossFit i1uvit. He invited me to come down to the gym and check it out this thing called, "Friday Night Lights" - aka...The Open! Even though it took me another year to join, I was so inspired by what I saw.
What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): Weight training and Wrestling. I was introduced to wrestling in elementary school and have been hooked ever since. I completed all the way through high school and college. When my wrestling career was over I turned my attention to coaching at the High school level on and off for the next 20 years.
Favorite WOD: I enjoy long grueling WODs. They allow me the opportunity to really test my endurance and mental toughness.
Favorite lift or movement: Anything that includes dumbbells. Lately I find myself in a love hate relationship with "Devil Press and Man Makers". And of course...doing birthday burpees!
Least favorite WOD. I don’t really have one...yet.
Least favorite lift or movement: Overhead squats. It’s not that I don’t like them, they just don’t agree with me yet.
Favorite quote: I have two that speak to me. #1"It’s not as much about reaching the goal, as it is about what we become in pursuit of that goal." #2 "Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up!" - Jimmy Valvano.
Favorite "guilty pleasure" food: Milk and cookies.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness? I can honestly say that I’m a better person all-around as a result of i1uvit. My outlook on life is so much more positive! I’m human - SO I have to be honest with myself. There are times where I try really hard to come up with an excuse as to why I shouldn’t show up. To forgo putting in the work. To avoid the struggle with those movements that still seem to get the better of me (and the frustrating). To fear and endure the pain (which I’ve learned is only temporary). And finally...To pass on sweatin my ass off! But now, I’m motivated & confident more the ever as a result of CrossFit, and inspired by this amazing community of people we have here at i1luvit. Because I look back to where I was before walking through the door at i1uvit for the first time..ON THE COUCH, AND 65LBS HEAVIER!
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? I am motivated by each and every person that walks through the door at i1uvit. We are all at different places in our personal fitness journeys with different skill sets and abilities. But regardless of whether a person can Rx every movement & workout, or you Scale them ---We are one community of people pursuing a common goal…and that is to show up, spend an hour or two with each other and know that we have the opportunity to inspire one another! It’s so exciting to see first-hand when someone accomplishes something that they have never done before. To seeing them PR, or RX a workout for the first time, etc. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the "friendly competition!"
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? Showing up every day! Pushing through WODs that I never knew I was capable of finishing. Being inspired by others to grind out extra work outside the gym. And last but not least, challenging myself to keep up with Kara Zylstra during the "Twelve Days of Christmas" WOD. I know, seriously what was I thinking, I could have died! I think she figured it out about ¾ the way through the last round and grab other gear and left me in the dust. That’s ok, I’m using it as motivation. I’m coming for you Kara! LOL
Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit: Right now there’s still so much that I want to learn and get better at. So, as I’m sure all of you coaches have figured out, I ask “A LOT” of questions! Some of my goals though are to keep improving and working on my mobility. To put in more of a focused effort on technique & rhythm of movements like Toes to Bar, Chest to Bar and Double Unders so I can consistently string them together during our workouts.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? My faith, my family, and my friends that I’ve made here at i1uvit are everything to me.
Any advice for new members? Be consistent and keep showing up, sweating, and putting in the work. As hard as it may be at times, don't compare yourself to anyone else. Take the time to learn proper form, technique, movements. It's all worth it when you realize you are making progress. And most importantly...have fun.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Words can’t express how grateful I am for Matt & Kaylee (and of course my buddy Ripken). You guys have changed my life for the better in so many ways! To our phenomenal coaches... Thank you for guiding us to be better every day. And to the amazing community of people here at i1uvit that I call family...Thank you all for inspiring my every day! Shout out to my running partners after the workouts. To the Saturday squad. Thanks for staying till noon (and beyond) and pushing me to be better. And finally to my good friend Mitch. Thank you for inviting me way back when to come watch "Friday Night Lights" with you. Thank you for your amazing friendship. For challenging me to get off the couch. For pushing me to expect and want more of myself. To never settle.