Dena Smith


Age: 37
Occupation: Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist
Which class time do you usually attend? Mainly 6am on the days I work and Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 class on days off! Anywhere I can get in if I've got childcare :)
How long have you been CrossFitting? I started in June 2016, so nearly 9 months now:)
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? My lovely cousin Taryn (and Mac) had invited me several times over the years, but I had a great place I loved at the time. Then I had baby number 2 and needed a place that had some childcare, so I could be more consistent and I decided I better give it a whirl! So glad I did by the way, as it's melted the baby weight faster than anything I've done prior and is super fun too!
What is your athletic/fitness background? (If applicable) I dabbled in several sports growing up. Soccer and volleyball in middle school and early high school, cheerleading (I know shocking right ;) My husband has always been a gym nut so I began working out in a gym setting around 18 and have basically tried it all! Basic Weightlifting, aerobics, step classes, Bootcamp, Tacfit and outdoor running. I enjoy working out 💪
Favorite WOD: Hmm. I'm not well versed with the names, but I think 'Kelly' was a butt kicker (likely named after Ms. Kelly Alvidrez herself 😉) It was lots of box jumps, sprinting around the building and wall balls I believe? I love ones that keep a steady, yet intense heart rate with several different exercises. Some heavier strength thrown in is always good! The Hero ones are awesome too!
Favorite lift or movement: I am learning to love all of the different things as I've gotten stronger. 😁 I do love me a deadlift and the toes to rings help me live out my childhood dream of being an Olympic gymnast. 😂 I also have begun to love pull-ups and I NEVER thought that would come out of my mouth!
Least favorite WOD: I don't think I have one? They have all been great, made me stronger and helped me learn along the the way about different moves.
Least favorite movement: Overhead squats continue to challenge me and strict press is always hard too.
Favorite life quote: "my hands are my feet" - Matthew Lovelady (wise beyond his years for sure) just kidding, I stumble on great quotes all the time why is this so hard... how about "it is better to take small steps in the right direction, rather than make a great leap and stumble backward"
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: easily mine is wine 🍷 and a really good quality pizza and sushi.. oh boy there are so many 😳
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness? In so many ways, I feel I am probably stronger than I ever have been in different skill areas than I would have expected. I am still working toward that post baby goal, but it happens fast when I don't indulge in those darn "guilty pleasures”. I have always enjoyed fitness and this style of fitness has really surprised me with its effectiveness and I truly look forward to coming every single day. It's hard to say that about a gym for most I believe, but it really IS fun and I've met such lovely people along the way.
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? I would say the challenge to learn a new set of skills or achieve a new level of strength and endurance. And fitting back into my clothes doesn't hurt. 😉 My 2 friends I've gotten to join with me also motivate me and have for the last 13 and 18 years (Megan and Melanie) of my fitness journey.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? Well I never thought I would get a kipping pull up or a hand stand push up (well I thought it would take years!) and I'm getting more comfortable with overhead squats and the snatch.
Name one goal/personal achievement you would like to achieve through CrossFit: I am determined to get a strict pull up with no band and one day maybe even a muscle up or two 😜
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? My family is my life, I spend a lot of time with them, my kiddos are amazing treasures to be around. I love running at Lake Padden or Hovander Park with my friend Mel just to get fresh air and chat. And of course traveling (anywhere tropical 🌴) my job is wonderful and I feel lucky to have such a rewarding career. Also love fishing, crabbing, prawning and spending time in the islands right outside our back door in the summer.
Any advice for new members? Just be consistent. It's not always easy or comfortable to try new things, but the payoff is well worth the struggle. You DO just get a little better and a little stronger every single class without a doubt. Imagine where you will be in just a few months and then a year.
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Thanks so much for welcoming me into this kind and caring community you have here. I felt welcomed from the beginning and the coaching staff is awesome and so supportive of where you are at every level. And of course a big shout out to my hubby Jason who ALWAYS encourages me to do whatever I want and watches our girls when he gets home from 12 hour night shifts, so I can hit the 6 am class before work. Beyond blessed 🙏