Amanda Smith


Age: 29
Occupation: Office assistant at Genesis II for Nooksack tribe, and full time student
Which class time do you usually attend? I usually go to noon, and sometimes later if needed.
How long have you been CrossFitting? Since September 2016. Two years
How did you find CrossFit i1uvit? My Big Sister LeAndra made me do the intro camp and then the actual class right after. SO thankful that she did!
What is your athletic/fitness background (if applicable): I canoe with Rikkole Cree Canoe Club. I was never really into sports, except golf.
Favorite WOD: Anything with running or box jumps.
Favorite lift or movement: I love dumbbell snatches because I am finally able to snatch 35 lbs! I never thought I would be able to. It Just looked too monstrous to me.
Least favorite WOD. Karen
Least favorite lift or movement: Snatches. Only because I wish I was better at them :)
Favorite quote: "Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect"
Favorite “guilty pleasure” food: hamburgers, pizza, chocolate.
How has CrossFit changed your life, lifestyle, and/or level of fitness? CrossFit has enhanced my life because I work on improving myself every time I go. 1 percent better every day.
Who or what motivates/inspires you to keep coming back? I love the competitiveness in CrossFit, and I like that there are so many levels to compete in. I love the people at i1uvit. They inspire me.
What is your proudest CrossFit achievement? Getting a strict pull-up. When I started, I started with the black band.
Name one goal you are working for and would like to achieve through CrossFit? I still have a lot of CrossFit goals but I know I’ll get them if I just stay consistent. Like HSPU,BMU,DU.
Hobbies/Interests outside of CrossFit? I like to weave cedar baskets, knit, run, hang out with my little family.
Any advice for new members: Just keep coming, you will be so happy that you did!
Any additional thoughts/shout-outs/comments: Shout out to my awesome coaches! Thank you for all you do daily.